These are instructions on how to install Framaroot App on any Android Device in a few seconds only.
Install Framaroot APK on Android
- Download the latest version of Framaroot Application on your Computer or on your Android Device.
- After downloading, you will be able to get the Framaroot APK on your device (if you have downloaded the Framaroot App on your computer, then you need to Move it to your Android Device).
- After Moving, Open File Manager on your Android Device, Locate the Framaroot APK, and Tap on it to Open.
- Now, Tap on the Install to Install the Framaroot App.
- Once the installation is completed, you will be able to see the Framaroot App Icon on your App Drawer Menu.

Readme Once:
[*] Compatibility: Framaroot supports devices running on Android 2.3 to Android 4.3. It will not work on devices running on Android 4.4 or Beyond.
[*] How to Use: If you want to learn to use the Framaroot Application to root any Android Device, then follow How to Use Framaroot App to root any Android Device.
[*] Download Latest Version: You can download the latest version of Framaroot Application from our Download Section.
[*] Credits: Framaroot Application is Created by alephzain (senior xda developer), so full credits goes to him for providing the application for free.